Tuesday 27 October 2015

Don't get it twisted, Garlic makes everything better..

Garlic is a plant in the onion family, grown for its cooking properties and health effects. It is high in a sulfur compound called Allicin, which is believed to bring most of the health benefits.

"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”

Here are some health benefits of garlic that are supported by human research studies.

Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family.
It is closely related to onions, shallots and leeks.
It grows in many parts of the world and is a popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and delicious taste.
The entire “head” is called a garlic bulb, while each segment is called a clove. There are about 10-20 cloves in a single bulb.
We now know that most of the health effects are caused by one of the sulfur compounds formed when a garlic clove is chopped, crushed or chewed.
This compound is known as allicin is also responsible for the distinct garlic smell
Allicin enters the body from the digestive tract and travels all over the body, where it exerts it potent biological effects

Garlic is easy to include in your diet and tastes absolutely delicious. it compliments your savory dishes, particularly soups and sauces. the strong taste of garlic can also add a punch to otherwise bland your recipe.

However, the downsides to garlic, such as bad breath and there are some people who are allergic to it.

My favorite way to use garlic is to finely chop into tiny bits, sauté in extra virgin olive oil when making a chicken broth.

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