Sunday 24 January 2016

Madame Titus! Yes, you got that right it's a fried Titus fish, well cooked and seasoned.

Don't mind this presentation, these babies lives were short lived, as they didn't even survive 1 minute lying on the plate, Yes darlings it was that finger licking lols.

"Always be different until your different becomes people's normal", I always apply everything I hear to food, well that’s because I always think about food. This was part sermon today, and I thought to myself why not fry titus in a different way today, cause aint no body got time to marinate for a long time, oh yeah! When fish is sliced through it becomes easier and faster for the marinate to get in and this results in a much more tastier fish.

Over thirty different species, principally belonging to the family Scombridae, are commonly referred to as mackerel. Mackerel is a common name applied to a number of different species of pelagic fish. They are found in both temperate and tropical seas, mostly living along the coast or offshore in the oceanic environment.

Titus amongst many others are species of King Mackerel. The Characteristic and price of the same species of fish differs based on the country of origin i.e., which country the fish is caught. Hence the price of the same specie will differ based on the country of origin of the fish. For example, the Mackerel (TITUS) caught in European waters are more expensive than the Mackerel (KAMPALA) caught in the Mauritanian waters.

Tuna also belongs to the mackerel family.

Given its relatively cheaper cost, fish has become the major source of nutrition for the people of Nigeria, most of who are not economically well off. Fish remains the main product consumed in terms of animal protein in Nigeria  

Processing: How do you like your Titus prepared?

Their raw flesh is grayish, due to its high fat content, these fat contents can be reduced simply dipping the fish in hot water for about two minutes just enough to peel off the skin, and like I will always add, this part is very optional, I love me some skin.

Titus are best prepared by broiling, frying, baking or by smoking.

Whatever method you decide to have it prepared with, The unique taste of Titus remains the same, you should try Air frying too using a non-stick manual air frying, just make sure to lightly grease the surface before applying heat.

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