Wednesday 20 January 2016

Preparing a Stir Fry BEAN A.K.A Fried BEANS

First things first
Ever had baked beans and wondered why it just melts in your mouth? stop wondering jare, its the effect of pressure pot. Before you continue reading this post you might want to go get a pressure pot first and then continue, if you already have one then your in luck don't stop reading.

So here's the very washed beans pressure cooked and ready to be stir-fried.
That was real easy, pick beans or just wash like I do, bad habit, but when your a pro at washing beans without leaving a stone in it you can skip picking the beans, but for now, hey pick your beans and then wash until you feel the beans is washed enough, this has to be like after 5 times, the fifth time with warm or hot water. This is done because once its pressure cooked it doesn't have to be washed anymore and also to avoid the horrible smell of bean bag, you know that smell nau and also to eliminate the presence of oligosaccharides, pressure pot also eliminates these factors by expelling them out as vapor.
Pour washed beans into a pressure pot/cooker add sufficient amount of water to the pot, cover up and allow to cook for say 20 to 25 minutes for really tender beans lovers. When beans is ready set aside.
Now make a gravy, using diced onion
                                   diced fresh tomatoes
                                   ground fresh pepper
                                   grounded crayfish
                                   Maggi crayfish
                                   1 cup stock
                                   salt and additional seasonings
                                   handful of fresh Titus or tuna fish *very optional
                                   Palm oil

Okay, add ingredients to hot oil in a large skillet allow to fry for 20 mins using low heat and then pour cooked beans into pan, stir fry, then add fish and allow to cook for another 5 mins to allow ingredients fuse into beans. Cut veggies if need be to garnish beans. serve with long slices of fried plantain.
Voila! Bon appetite.

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